The driller must log on the trip sheet, and record the following situation in the tour book. 司钻必须填写起下钻记录表,把下列情况记录在班报表上。
Remarks: Please attach this junk fax log sheet to the "junk faxes" received and send to your fixed network provider for follow-up actions. 注:请将所收的滥发传真连同此表格交予现时为你提供固网服务的电讯公司,以方便跟进。
The test procedure will include plans, schedules, procedures, log sheets, acceptance forms, test sheet, test item and fault correction procedures on tests of each equipment and entire system. 试验程序将包括关于每一台设备和整个系统试验的计划、进度、程序、登记表、验收表、试验表、试验项目和故障排除程序。
Beneath this log sheet in reverse-chronological order should be past logs, booking tickets, account brochures, correspondence and articles that are current and pertinent to the prospecting effort. 日志封面下的反向顺序是过去的日志、票务预订、顾客说明、信函和相关工作进展的纪录。